Monday, February 2, 2015

TITLE: Stay in the Water by Pastor Lohn Johnson

Text:  Mark 1:24-26 24 "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are- the Holy One of God."  25 But Jesus rebuked him, saying, "Be silent, and come out of him!"  26 And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice, came out of him.
INTRODUCTION: My dear friends in Christ, When the movie, “Jaws,” was released some years ago, it had the effect of keeping people out of the water.  A number of vacationers changed their plans that summer.  Instead of traveling to the   oceanfront, they traveled inland, well away from “shark-infested” waters. This is why: [Video] Jaws was a scary movie, but the horror of it was largely erased by avoiding those places where the great white shark lived.  If today’s text, on the other hand, was made into a movie (and it has been somewhat with exorcism films), viewers would be haunted by nightmares and there would be no escape.  To avoid sharks, one must simply stay on dry ground; but where does a person go to avoid the horror of demons?  Hollywood knows this, and that’s why some of the scariest films ever made have to do with demon-possession.

I. A man in Capernaum was plagued by such a possession.
       A. He came to the synagogue where Jesus was teaching and he began to mock Him:  “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy us?”  It was the demon speaking.
           1. No one caught this scene with a video camera, but if someone had, we would be just as amazed as the people there were.  The exorcism was performed in front of them all.  “Be silent,” Jesus commanded the demon, “And come out of him!”
          2. And this scene would forever be etched in our nightmares—as the demon obeyed, it convulsed the man’s body twisting him into something which looked unhuman, and with a scream, enough to curdle your blood, the demon came out of the man and flew off looking for another body in which to live.

      B. Which brings us to you and me. As unsophisticated as it may sound to our ears, the devil is still alive and well today, a roaring lion or maybe even like a prowling shark, looking for someone to devour. He’s real (not like this): [Video: Fake Shark]  But He’s on a leash now and restrained.  But that doesn’t mean he can’t work great mischief. And the greatest mischief he can work is unbelief, doubt, despair.
         1. And if Hollywood got their hands on this particular text, the haunting questions they would be leaving the theater with would be:  “Am I next?  Is there a demon looking for me?  Where can I hide?  Where can I go for safety?”  Hollywood may create the questions, but the Christian Faith gives us the answers.
            a. It may sound a little strange to your years, but you need to go into the water.  To avoid great whites, Jaw’s moviegoers stay out of the water; [Video: Jaws 3] but to be safe from demons, into the water is exactly where we must go.
           b. It may have been long ago for many of you, but your Christian parents brought you to that very water when you were baptized.  We were helpless, just like the man in Capernaum.  Satan had his way with him, and he also had charge over us.  Demon-possession is not something that the people in Capernaum ran to the local drugstore to find a cure for.  No one could master the devil then, and none of us today can either.  In some ways it’s like this: [Video: Bigger Boat] When Jesus cast out the demon in Capernaum, the people saw in Him the power and authority of God.  He had the bigger boat.
       2. But at a time not that long after our text it would look like he had no authority when He was dragged like a fish out of water to a hill called Golgotha and nailed there upon a cross for you.
           a. But Jesus’ death on the cross is the exorcism of the world. It has all the same marks of an exorcism. You might even picture it this way: Jesus was going around collecting all the unclean spirits, as well as all the diseases, the maladies, the death everything and drawing them all into Himself so He could take them into His death.
           b. And because He did this on your behalf; and because He rose triumphantly from the dead; and because He now lives within His Word and Sacraments for you, there is forgiveness for you. He put into the waters of Baptism what we get out—forgiveness and life.

II. And for that same reason your Christian parents brought you to the water of baptism because Jesus is in that water with the power of God destroying the works of the devil.  “He (Jesus) delivered us,” writes the Apostle Paul, “From the domain of darkness.”  In your baptism, Paul goes on, “He disarmed ‘Satan.’”
       A. You belong, not to the devil, but to Christ for this reason—you are baptized in Christ Jesus.   You do not need to fear demon-possession.  Jesus, within the water of baptism, has claimed you for His own, and His power is greater than the power of the devil.
       B. Why then do we foolishly venture out of the water?  In Jaws, after the shark claimed a victim, no one dared to leave the safety of the beach…at first.  But then when the danger appeared to be over, a few, and then many swimmers went back into the ocean.  And you can guess what happened.  The great white soon claimed more victims.
          1. For Christians it’s just the opposite.  Our safe haven is in the water.  To leave the water is not brave…it’s foolish.   We would have an easier time battling a great white shark than doing battle with Satan.
            a. As a shark never stops to rest, so the devil never stops seeking you and me.  His jaws are always open to devour us.
            b. He never shows himself to us.  He remains hidden in the guise of temptation so that we leave the safety of our baptism and walk foolishly into his trap.
          2. You and I do that when we bite and devour each other with our angry words; when we see after our own will rather than Christ’s will; when we hold a grudge and refuse to forgive those who hurt us or our loved ones; when we live as though God’s Word did not matter.
            a. When you and I neglect the Lord’s body and blood we put ourselves in danger of walking away from our baptism.
            b. Our Savior urges us to partake of His Sacrament often because through bread and wine He enters us in order to fight against the works of the devil for us.
            c. To pass up the privilege of coming to worship, over and over again, puts one in danger of walking away from their baptism.
        3. But our life should be like this:
               One pastor tells a story of something that happened to him many years ago during the Korean War. The pastor was aboard a flight from New York to Los Angeles. The flight attendant seated a girl in her early twenties beside him.  Obviously this girl had never flown before. Over the loudspeaker, the flight attendant said, “Fasten your seatbelts.” The girl didn’t even know what a seatbelt was.
               The Pastor helped her and asked, “You’ve never flown before?”
She said, “No, this is my first time.” As he spoke to her, she opened her pocketbook, and there was a picture of a handsome young GI.  The pastor said, “You’re going out to see him?” “Yes,” she said, “he’s coming home. I’m going to see him.”
She went on to explain that they had gotten married a year and a half before. They had a honeymoon of just a few days, then he had gone to the coast and left for Korea. Now he was coming back home; she was going to see him. The pastor could tell that going to see her husband meant more to this young woman than anything else. He was her bridegroom; she was his bride and she was going to see him. Later the pastor said, “You wonder sometimes why Christians live as they do and make the choices they make. They are on their way to see their bridegroom, yet they go right out and live in the world as though it made no difference in their life at all.”
And that’s true, isn’t it? One day we are going to see the Bridegroom, our Lord and Master. “Man does not live on bread alone,” Jesus says, “But by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  The words, the forgiveness of Christ given here are life itself, and are your safe haven.

III. Fish are born in water and they live in water.  How foolish for a fish to jump out of the water onto dry ground.  It will die unless someone puts it back into the water.

      A.  And so with us.  Christians, like fish, are born in baptism’s water.  We live in that water within Jesus’ church.
         1. To stop hearing His words and partaking of His body and blood is to jump out of the water.  It’s to reject our baptism.  It’s to part ways with our Savior.
         2. And then like a fish out of the water, we are easy prey for the devil.  We will die unless our Lord, through a parent, or a Christian friend, or a church member or pastor, puts us back into the water.
     B. Jesus knows full well that you and I often give in to Satan’s temptations; that we do not daily live as His dear possession; and that we struggle with guilt because of this.
        1. So we are called to never forget we are like fish in water.  As fish swim in a lake, the water is full of life for them.  With every gulp of water that goes in and then out through their gills, life-giving oxygen enters them.  Fish live within this rich water.  Wherever they go in the lake they are always immersed in and surrounded by this life-giving water.
      2. This is like our lives within the church.  As lake water is full of oxygen for fish, so our baptisms are full of forgiveness for us.  As fish take in oxygen from the water, so our ears, week after week, take in Jesus’ life-giving words and our mouths takes in His precious flesh and blood.

CONCLUSION:  Yes, Jesus is your Savior.  He is life and salvation for you, and He urges each and every one of us to remain and abide with Him in the water.  So remember who you are—you are possessed by Jesus, through baptism, out of grace and mercy toward you.  You are His fish, living in His water, within His church, where there is always forgiveness and life for you.  Amen.